
My TS LIfe in the Netherlands - by Leanne
My name is Leanne, and I am 65 years old. I worked for 41.5 years as a laboratory technician. I was diagnosed with TS at the age of 16....

I Use TS as a Tool to Teach Empathy - by Maryann Shilo
My name is Maryann Shilo and I was diagnosed with classic Turner Syndrome (TS) at age 16. Before then, I always knew that I was...

I LIve a Whole and Fulfilling Life - by Kate Caszatt
Hello! My name is Kate, and I am 33 with classic Turner syndrome (TS). I am 4 ft 6 and have a lot of the classic physical characteristics...

You Are A MIracle and You Can Get Through Anything! - by Erica Melman
Hi, my name is Erica Melman, and I am an adult woman with Turner syndrome (TS). I live in Chicago, Illinois with my husband Mitch and my...

I'm Blessed to Have My Golden Butterflies Mentors and Friends - by LaShelle Jennings
Hi, my name is LaShelle Jennings. So, this is 48! Here is My TS Story. I was born in west Texas (small town outside of Lubbock) in 1973....

I am Small, but My God is Mighty - by Sharon Shary
I am small, but God is mighty. As with any family, God allows events to happen in a family’s or individual’s life that are life changing....

Our Fraternal Twins with Turner Syndrome are Rare Butterflies - by Erica Drews
My name is Erica Drews, and I am a mother to fraternal twin girls who both has Turner syndrome (TS). My butterflies were born two months...

A Whirlwind of Testing by Nancy Blake
Our daughter, Liza, was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at birth. It was a whirlwind of echocardiograms and testing over those first...

She Has So Much Joy - by Alisha Thing
I am a mom of a daughter with Turner syndrome (TS) and this is Delenna’s story. It started when I was pregnant with her. My husband and...

I Hope My Story is an Inspiration - by Angela Hogle
Hello, my name is Angela Hogle. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) when I was in second grade. I wanted to share a little of my...