TSSUS is the largest organization – worldwide – supporting the Turner syndrome community.
The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States: Advancing knowledge, facilitating research, and supporting all those touched by Turner syndrome.

is an exclusive monthly giving program for supporters of Turner
syndrome research, education, awareness, and support programs.
The TSSUS Butterfly Society is an ongoing philanthropic program of TSSUS. This exclusive group of supporters ensure that every individual and family touched by TS has access to current TS related information, resources, and the TS clinical care guidelines. They also deeply care about the well-being of those in the community and want people to have the opportunity to connect with others through TSSUS programs offered locally and online.
Why Give Monthly?
By giving monthly, you invest what makes sense for you and make an incredible impact over the course of your membership in the Butterfly Society.
You may set up monthly automatic payments from your bank account or credit card or pre-pay the minimum amount of $120 ($10/month) at one time.
You join a dedicated group of supporters who understand the importance of making a sustaining commitment to advance treatment, research, and support of those with Turner syndrome.
Your monthly gift allows us to invest in specific areas of our work, expand our programs, and innovate because we know we have the ongoing support of the Butterfly Society community
You'll receive exclusive updates from TSSUS and key volunteers, as well as surprise gifts and messages about those we have been able to help with your support.
Butterfly Society Members Receive:
A complimentary TSSUS Individual Membership for one year (at the $10/month level and above); you may upgrade to a family membership for an annual fee of $20.
An exclusive welcome gift
A surprise token of appreciation at the end-of-the-year
Tickets to the exclusive Butterfly Society reception at the TSSUS National Conference
If you are a current butterfly society donor and receive a renewal notification, that is a courtesy reminder sent out 30 days prior to your expiration and your membership will renew automatically.
Monthly Gift Levels:
$10 ~ $25 ~ $50 ~ $100 ~ $500
Please become a sustaining donor today.

TSSUS is celebrating 36 years of serving the TS community
If you have any questions about the TSSUS Butterfly Society, please contact: Becky Brown, National Director of Development & Communications
800.365.9944 or at becky@turnersyndrome.org
TSSUS Butterfly Society Founding Members
John Adams
Jamy Amaya
Scott Andler
Deborah Andrews
Roxanna Askam
Monica Autrey
Cathy Axthelm
Jolynn & Christopher Backes
Hilda Baker
Fanya Baram
Becky Barnes
Anne Bethel Barrett
Julie Bastedo
Catherine Baume
Marsha Baumgart
Laura Becker
Kaylie Bekkerus
Neomi Belcher
Carol Bernabei
Suzanne & Gary Billman
Audrey Bixler
Debbie Black
Jane & Harold Blom
TracI & Ethan Blumen
Natalie & Stephen Bonfig
Nicole Boris
Amie Lyn Bostian
Whitney Nicole Brade
Janine & Tom Braman
Katie Braman
Katie Braun
Teresa Brazil
Dominica Breard
Kristen Broderick
Linda Broderick
Lara Brown
Melanie Brown
Sherri Brown
Evelyn C. Bruce & Thomas James
Jessica Brumbach
Kim Buckley
Mary Buckley
Priscilla Buczko
Tayler Bullock
Cheryl Burton
Christa Bustamante
Renee Butera
Maria & George Camacho
Nona & Papa Cardosi
Jessica Carlough
Melissa Carlucci
Mary Kay & Sal Carta
Elisa Castro
Melissa Caulum
Timothy Claxton
Anne Cocci
Harold Cohen
Carol Collins
Kathy Collins
Jessica Conroy
Livia & Alan S. Cooper
Amber Cordova
Ashley Cormier
Annie Coughlin
Timothy Couture
Carol & Kemp Crawford
Charlotte Crawford
Robert Crawford
Janice Crow
Denise Culin
Colleen Curby
Ann Shelton Currie
Jen Czarnecki
Nancy Daman
Diane Dance
Vincent Daniel
Tania Danner
Randal Dawson
Arielle Dechabert-Ostland
Tiffanie Denig
Philip Denino
Michelle Dharte
Lauren & Shane Dickerson
Holly Dickmeyer
Loralee Dilorenzo
Tamara Douglas
Troy Douglas
Gigi Dover
Robyne Beth Drexler
Christina Michele Driscoll
Marcia Duggar
Laurie Linn Duke
Xavier Durand-Hollis
Kevin Dwyer
Marilyn Dye
Jackie Edwards
Mark Edwards
Donna Eggen
Brenda Elizondo
Margaret Eng Go
Dorothy Engle
Casey Ensminger
Nicole Ernst Boris
Toni Farrell
Patricia Fechner, MD
Elizabeth & Patrick Finley
Gerald Flaig
Ashley Fleming
Jennifer Fletcher
Barbara Flink
Joanne Foodim
Vicki Ford
Tobey & Billy Forney
Candace Forte
Elaine Frazier
Donna Frey
Charles Friel
Carrie Fronek
Nanette Galbraith
Hope Garcia
Connie Jo Garland
Nancy Garner
Tracy Garner
Brenda Gasca
Wanda Geisbush
April Lynn Gibbons
Patti Gibbons
Carolyn Gibbs
Cheryl Gibbs
G. Gary Gibbs, MD
Renee Giles-Casper
Meagan Given
Hannah Goetz
Jennifer Goldbeck
Marianne Goltsos
Debbie Gomez
Karen Goodman
Erin Graham
Kim & Adrian Graham
Christine Gross
Brenda Gruwell
Ebru Kadriye Gultekin
Ammy Gutierrez
Stephanie Guy
Cheryl Hanaway
Edrie Harrington
Elizabeth Hartsell
Susan & Craig Haskins
Stephanie Hedbor
Delora Rose Helco
Linda & Ken Heller
Jennifer Helzer
David Hendrickson
Carla Rae Henningsgaard
Dionne Henry-Clarke
Susan Heskins-Lazar
Stacey & Douglas Hinsey
Kathleen Hoffheimer
Jennifer Holle
Cassidy Hooper
Andrea Horner
Jennifer Hunt
Helen Ingram
Daniela Janceski
Elizabeth Anne Jost
Linda Kalb
Cynthia Diane Keehler
Linda Keely
Bria Kelly
Misty Klaiber
Elaine Klimek
Nicole & Thomas Knisley
Lee Koffler
Karen Krane
Leigh Kratka
Tristi & Tim Kriegler
Racheal Kunesh
Charlene Crickon Kushler
Jennifer Law
Mary Lawrence
Lindsay Leach
Leslie Leber
Lindsay Lee
Kathleen Lelonek
Christy Lentz
Julie Leon
Carmen Lesieur
Lynn Lesieur
Gregory Lewis
Marjorie Lewis
Mary Limbach
Lisa Lindsey
Barbara Lippe
Megan Litkenhous
Wanda Liu
Kassandra Livingstone
Evan Los, MD
Christina Losoya
Margaret & Paul Lumpkins
Heather Lynch
Donna Maas
Kathleen Maley
Roberta Marcigan
Marlene Mardis
Patrícia Marques Barros
Andrea McCarthy
Stuart McCracken
Celia McGowan
Connie McManus
Debra Nicole McMichael
Erica Melman
Catherine Melver, MD & Kevin Melver
Emily & Edward Metcalf
Marcia Micklos Craig
Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Milton
Nicole Moffett
Abby Montag
Patricia Chris Montemayor
Dean Mooney, MD
Season & Donovan Moore
Mel Morelli
Lauren Morrow
Molly Moursi
Kenneth Nakakura
Kim Nelson
Alice Niedelman
Lesley Niemy
Blake Nixon & Juanjie Long
Kara Nolan
Audrie Noll
Renee Nowacki
Carrie Odom
Jennifer Odom
Lisa Diane Pack
Lisa Palomba
Lori & Gene Pawlik
Adrianne Peterson
Barbara Ann Phillip
Hannah Polashek
Stephen Pool
Ann & David Pope
Ashley Pope
Michael Powell
Siddharth Prakash, MD, PhD
Kimberly Prince
Teri Raffel
Diana Raimi
Kaitlyn Ralph
Sarah Raybourn
David Redding
Alison K. Reigle
Jeanne Reigle
Sarah Rensel
Ann Reynolds
Donna Rice
Danielle Richard
Nikki Rinkliff
Licenia Rojas
Lisa Romeo
Thomas Romeo
Janis Ross
Diane Saito
Victoria Sanchez
Stephanie Sartori
Mary Schneider
Eyvonne Scurlock
Lisa & Michael Sears
Mark Seward
Veena Sharma
William Shieh
Brenda Short
Sarah Shutt
Billi Jo Sielaff
Kirt Simmons
Claire Simms
Janie Sitton
Laura Sivadge
Sarah Skinner
Brent Skiver
Lauren Skiver
Nikole Slagal
Guowei Slieh
Cheryl Smith
Karla Smith
Michelle Smith
Natalie Smith
Sabrina & Eric Smith
Sarah M. Smith
Shae Smith
Stephen Smith
Barbara Speni
Ann Stamp
Joanna Stank
Sharon Stanley
Trisha Stork
Jamie Stowe
Beth Suhon
Anna Sullivan
Anne & Dan Sullivan
Maria Sullivan
Deanna Swanson
Debra Terzakis
Stephanie & Jon Thompson
Katie Thorson
Ann M. Tompkins
Jane Tumminia
Jeanne Tutolo
Jennifer Uhrich
Robyn Upton
Dawn Uyehara
Molly Van Gilder
Leah Van Hoozer
Becca Vanvoorhis
Maureen & Ray Wakenell
Kelly Watson
Kimberly Wawrzonek
Laura Whamond
Kaye Wickstrom
Susan Wilkins
Mary Wishnew
Christina Witten
Marian Wolfersteig
Ann Marie Wood
Bethany Wood
Lisa Wright
Laura Wuertele

TSSUS Butterfly Society Founding Members TSSUS Board of Directors
Dorothy Baume
Nancy & Jason Bryant
Elizabeth & Andrew Fontenot
Mysti Harrison
Emily Havrilak
Jessica & Jeff Hynes
Mandy Long
Rosemary Morris
Michael Silberbach, M.D.
Sarah & Daniel Sullivan
TSSUS Butterfly Society Founding Members TSSUS Staff
Becky Brown
Deborah & Jimmy Rios
Cindy & Billy Scurlock