We Can Be Successful and Accomplish So Much - by Sydney Hoi
Hi, my name is Sydney Hoi, and I am 26 years old. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at birth. I had lymphedema in my hands and...
Keep Dreaming! - by Kristy McDonald
My name is Kristy McDonald, and I was born with a cleft palate and was hearing impaired. I was always small for my age. Then, the night...
My Mom Is My Best Friend - by Lisia Gray
Hello, my name is Lisia Gray and I am 50 years old and I am 4 feet 7 inches tall. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at 23 years-...
My Mom is My Biggest Advocate - by Kara Britton
Hi, my name is Kara. I turned 30 in the fall. I was diagnosed with mosaic Turner syndrome (TS) at 16. A somewhat traumatic appointment...
There's Nothing Wrong with Asking for Help - by Erica Schueder
February is Turner Syndrome and Raynaud's Awareness Months. In honor, I would like to share my story for those who are interested in...
I Was in a State of Disillusion - by Joyce Ndungu
It was as if I was never pregnant expect for a bulging stomach. I was extra active, energetic, and even glowing for the nine months. I...
TS Might Not be Easy, But it's LIfe-Changing! - by Taylor Yates
My name is Taylor and I’m 24 years old. I’m from Rockton, Illinois, but I recently moved to Naples, Florida in October and I’m loving it...
I Decided to Pursue My Dream - by Tammy Pullen
Hi, my name is Tammy Pullen and my story is fairly normal. I was average as a child; there were no red flags except some ear infections....
What a Fortunate Soul I Am - by Mellene Webb
1968 was a year of great change and turmoil for those living in the United States. Young American men were fighting in the swamps of the...
My TS LIfe in the Netherlands - by Leanne
My name is Leanne, and I am 65 years old. I worked for 41.5 years as a laboratory technician. I was diagnosed with TS at the age of 16....