My Mom Is My Best Friend - by Lisia Gray

Hello, my name is Lisia Gray and I am 50 years old and I am 4 feet 7 inches tall. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at 23 years- old . I am single and on disability due to health issues. Some of them are depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, vision, and hearing, to name a few. I am a twin and my sister is in good health with no concerning health conditions.
Growing up, I struggled with walking and talking. My twin reached these milestones before me. I was a slow learner in school, and I was very shy. I graduated high-school and after that my eyesight had become worse and I found out I had an eye condition called keratoconus and have had two corneal transplants.
Since then, I have dealt with issues with my hearing and I wear hearing aids. My depression and anxiety are a constant struggle to the point where I don't leave the house a lot. I do have some good days and like going to church when I can. I live with my mom, who is my best friend and very supportive through everything. All in all, I have had a very blessed life in having the support of a wonderful family and God.