Turner Syndrome Awareness Month Is Important - by Janine Reyes, TSSUS Board Member

Turner Syndrome Awareness Month is important to us and we want to share it with you. I'm Janine Reyes, and my daughter, Josslyn, is 17 years old. She was diagnosed at the ager of 2, and since then, the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) has been a crucial part of her care and mine. It was through TSSUS that I first made my connections to other moms of girls with Turner syndrome (TS) and found important information for her medical care.
Back then, our medical community had very limited knowledge about Turner syndrome, and the care for its patients. TSSUS launched itself to educate and empower parents with Information to care for their children. We have come a long way, but we still have more to go. The medical community has started to learn more about it and gain interest, but our work is far from over.
This is why I decided to join the TSSUS Board of Directors as the Parent at Large; for our kids, for the parents, and to continue supporting the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States and all their efforts. I encourage you to join in, participate however you can in our activities, volunteer opportunities, research, fundraising campaigns, and efforts to continue spreading Awareness for this great cause.
I look forward to meeting you at the TSSUS National Turner Syndrome Conference in July in Houston, and welcome you to our TSSUS family