
Hoping to Meet New Friends at the Conference - by Emily Limbach
My name is Emily Limbach and I have Turner's syndrome (TS). My TS was diagnosed before I was born. I was adopted by a single mom who is a...

I Found Happiness with My TS, and So Can You! - by Randi Rodgers
Hi I’m Randi! Here is my story. I was born in 1986 when my mother was 34. My father was a Vietnam veteran, and he was 36. Mom already had...

I'm a Happy Wife, Mother, and Educator - by Suzanne Ditacconi
This is me! I was diagnosed at birth in 1980. For the first twelve years of my life, I faced many medical challenges; cleft palate, bi...

Called to Religious Life after Medical School - by Lynn Mousel
I am 52 years old and was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at birth. When I was born, I had lymphedema and a dislocated hip. I always...

Life Is a Journey; Embrace It! - by Natalie Brady
Hey I’m Natalie! I’m 36 years old and I have Turner syndrome (TS). I was diagnosed at the age of five. I have learned that what people...

Motherhood Through Embryo Adoption - by Angela Hagle
I was diagnosed with Turners syndrome (TS) back when I was in second grade. Back then, they were still trying to learn more about it. I...

My Life Is Extremely Rich and Full! - by Alexa O'Brien
My name is Alexa "Ally" O'Brien. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) while in utero from genetic testing. My parents were...

My Diagnosis Made Total Sense - by Erin Shick
This is my TS story! My name is Erin and I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at age 29 when I was...

My Parents Where Always Open and Honest with Me, and That Made All the Difference - Barbara Calvert
I will never forget the countless appointments and cardiac tests to evaluate my heart murmur. They revealed a coarctation of my aorta and...

I Know Karolyn will do Great Things! - by Becky Bishop
Karolynn is my incredible little miracle, my gift from God. She was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which is 100% fatal at 6...