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Learning to Love Myself - by Ontrinette Franklin

Hi everyone, my name is Ontrinette Franklin and I'm from Georgia. I entered foster care when I was around 3 years old. I've been in four different foster homes; two homes were with a relative. Before I was diagnosed at the age of 15, I used to wonder why I was different from my other siblings. I always felt different. It so happened that at a doctor's checkup he noticed I wasn't growing like I should have been. He then referred me to a specialist and the rest is history.

A few things about me I would like to share is that I like to read and sometimes dabble in poem writing. I love the boy band The Backstreet Boys and in my spare time I like to watch tv or hang out with my friends. Meeting and talking to new people is a challenge for me, but I do like to me new people. Especially when I attend church, which I also enjoy.

Over the last couple of years, I've have learned to come to terms with being a butterfly and now I embrace it and I'm learning to love my myself.

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