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I'm Healthy, Happy, Married and Strong! - by Jennifer Laubach

Hi, my name is Jennifer Laubach. I didn't get diagnosed until I was 23 years old. I have mosaic Turner syndrome (TS), and it can be hard to detect. I went through regular puberty, but it hit HARD. I would lose so much blood I would pass out, sleep all the time, and I even became severely anemic. I went to over 35 doctors to try and help me and no one would. This lasted from age 12-23 years old.

I was told I might have MS, lupus, and even leukemia. Eventually, I was led to an amazing family doctor named Dr. Smith at Holzer Medical Center in Gallipolis, Ohio. He said he thought it might be TS and he didn’t know why, because nothing was typical, but he had a feeling.

He did a lot of research and then sent me to a geneticist at OSU. This doctor did a quick and easy blood test and confirmed it was Turner syndrome. I was so relieved to finally have an answer. I then went to a gynecologist at Holzer in Athens and had a DNC and ablation performed. Because it was confirmed I had no eggs and there was no option for pregnancy, we did the surgery so I could limit or even stop my horrific and traumatic menstrual cycle.

I wish doctors would listen to patients more often, I KNEW something was wrong and no one helped until they thought I was actually going to die. Now, I'm healthy, happy, married and strong!

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