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I'm Happy and I Love Being an Aunt! by Mallory Anderson

Hello! My name is Mallory. I was born a preemie at just 3lb 6oz. My pediatrician was an older doctor. He recognized some of the Turner syndrome (TS) features in me because he had a sister with TS. Around the time I turned two years old, we ordered the karyotype blood test. Yep, I was diagnosed with the mosaic TS pattern and was referred to UCDMC in Sacramento. I went for all kinds of testing and my parents were very glad I did not have the heart valve issue. What a blessing that was! I have ADHD and struggled in school. I had an IEP and spent part days in Special Ed. When I was 12, I was diagnosed with hyper triglycerides and diabetes. During my senior year of high school, at age 18, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I graduated high school with my friends in 2015. I have done some college, but it was difficult. I live with family but have independence. My OCD and anxiety make it difficult to be too far

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