Don't Let Turner Syndrome Hold You Back! by Anna Farbaugh

My name is Anna Farbaugh, and my TS story starts out rather interesting in how I was diagnosed. I was born in 1985, a few weeks premature. My pediatrician had noticed my head was measuring slightly too large, and I had edema in my hands and feet. This led him to suggest having me tested for Turner syndrome (TS). I've had to overcome, as we all have, additional medical issues as a result. I've been a type 1 diabetic for 20 years now and have had Celiac disease for 21 years.
My message to all is do not let TS hold you back. I went on to successfully earn my master’s degree and I even play in a band. There's nothing that can hold you back. There's nothing you can't do if you just put your mind to it.