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The Turner Syndrome Society relies on donations, grants, and sponsorships to advance knowledge, create awareness of TS, facilitate research, and support every life touched by TS. Through local groups, a national conference, website resources, and personal support we make a difference. We greatly appreciate every dollar gifted to us and strive to make the most of all we receive.

Ways to Give


Corporate Matching Gifts  Many companies offer to match donations made by their employees. Please check with your company’s human resources department to see if your gift to TSSUS can be matched. Typically, you need to submit a form provided by your employer to your employer, and they will reach out to us to verify your gift. Our EIN is 41-1596910.  Questions?

Estate Planning  Did you know that you can name the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States in your will or as a beneficiary? If you would like to leave a Legacy Gift to TSSUS, please talk to your financial planner or attorney. It is usually as simple as including a sentence or two in your will. You will need our full legal name, which is the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States, and our EIN 41-1596910.  Questions?

Coporate Matching Gifts
Estate Planning

Thank You
for Your Support

Workplace Giving
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If you are a federal employee, you will have the opportunity to support TSSUS through the CFC workplace giving campaign by selecting our number: CFC# 11561.

If your employer participates in the United Way campaign, you can elect to support TSSUS by selecting our number: #021953


La misión de la Sociedad del Síndrome de Turner es

avanzar en el conocimiento, facilitar la investigación y apoyar a todos los afectados por el síndrome de Turner.

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12620 FM 1960 W Rd, Suite A4 #210 Houston, TX 77065, 1-800-365-9944

501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

 EIN is 41-1596910. 

2021 Todos los derechos reservados

Descargo de responsabilidad: la información en este sitio no pretende ni implica ser un sustituto del asesoramiento, diagnóstico o tratamiento médico profesional. Todo el contenido, incluidos texto, gráficos, imágenes e información, incluido en este sitio web o disponible a través de este es solo para fines de información general.

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