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If this is your first visit to our site or one of many, I hope you find the information you are looking for on these pages. We are here to answer your questions and give a greater understanding of Turner syndrome (TS) and its impact on girls (and less frequently boys) and their families. If you don’t find what you need here on our website, please reach out to me. I’ll help you find the resources you need. Meantime, February is fast approaching and it is Turner Syndrome awareness month. Get involved! We’re in this together.

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TS products

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Noticias de actualidad

TSSUS Supports all with a 45X Cell Line

The Scientific Advisory Board is reaching out to the members of the Turner Syndrome Society to advocate for the health and well-being of all individuals with a 45,X cell line.

Parenthood and TS: A Research Article

Parenthood among individuals with Turner syndrome: results of an online survey of attitudes towards pregnancy, adoption, and surrogacy ( Thanks to all who participated in the study!

TSSUS Private Facebook Group

We treat all-comers with a relationship to TS with love, understanding, dignity, and respect. 

Fertility Preservation in TS

Current information and findings related to fertility preservation and Turner syndrome. 

TS Clinical Practice Guidelines Summary

Best resource for the Care of Girls and Women with Turner Syndrome.  Read online or purchase a copy in the store.

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