She is Bravery and Strength - by Lindsey Comstock
My daughter Emerson was born on November 8th, 2021. When I was pregnant with her there were some issues that had us seen by a specialist and her tested for genetic issues. Turner syndrome came back as a 50/50 likelihood. She had some heart defects, short femur and 2 vessel umbilical cord. She was born 3 weeks early at 4lbs 11oz and 17.5 inches long. Her cord was tested and it was confirmed she had mosaic Turner’s syndrome. She has a bicuspid aortic valve.
Since birth, she had been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and in a harness for 12 weeks. She saw an ortho doctor to monitor her hip. She sees a cardiologist to monitor her heart and so far so good! She also sees an endocrinologist. She has been on growth hormones since she was 3 months old. She has done physical therapy and now currently in feeding therapy.
Every obstacle she faces she faces with bravery and strength and we are so proud of her! She is currently 13 months old and just the best! She’s walking and started to say some words! She is growing and on the charts! We can’t wait to see more of what she is capable of. We love our butterfly!